BF0994.ZIP The Braille Forum, Sept. 1994 ACB Newsletter
BLIND.ZIP Phil Scovil's collection of text files for the blind
BRL6305.ZIP NLS Braille Book Review for September / October 1994
BRLM9410.ZIP The Braille Monitor for October, 1994 The Braille Monitor is the official monthly publication of the National Federation of the blind. For more information on the NFB, contact us at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore,
BRLM9411.ZIP The Braille Monitor for November, 1994 The Braille Monitor is the official monthly publication of the National Federation of the blind. For more information on the NFB, contact us at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore,
BRLM9412.ZIP The Braille Monitor for December, 1994 The Braille Monitor is the official monthly publication of the National Federation of the blind. For more information on the NFB, contact us at 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore,
BRLTRCIS.ZIP Announcement of on-line (CIS) braille translation service
CATSPR93.TXT List of free stuff from National Council of Drug and Alcohol Information
COMP220I.ZIP The Diabetic Companion 2.20 w/OTII support. A Complete Diabetes Logbook software program. Includes automatic posting of glucose results from your ONE TOUCH II and automatic posting
DETEST5.ZIP Beta update for DecTalk Express driver for use w/JAWS
DOD12.ZIP Doctor on a Disk Version 1.2- Computerized Me
DOIT9406.ZIP Do-it news, disability Digest, 06/94
DRNEW146.ZIP Disaster Research News Volume No.146
ETHNFACE.ZIP A Ethnocentric Face of Deaf Culture: A Perspective by Scott Benyacko.
GLAUCOMA.ZIP Text file on Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
HERBPW3.ZIP HERB POWER v2.0 The ultimate guide to the power of herbs. This Spectacular, colorful, and user friendly program will teach what you need to know abou natures medicines, and how it will effect your live. Among the many
HIVH9409.ZIP HIV Herald - Sept 94
HIVH9410.ZIP HIV Herald - Oct 94
HYPERTNS.ZIP Information file on Hypertension
IFBLIND.ZIP NFB book on being blind, with many tips and resources
IMPR9409.ZIP Imprimis - Sept 94
IMPR9410.ZIP Imprimis - Oct 94
KA_B10_1.ZIP KA_B10_1.ZIP 10th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. ENVIRON covers environ- mental emergencies. 100 questions at the
KA_B1104.ZIP KA_B1104.ZIP 1st in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. Intro-EMS covers topics such as roles and resp- onsibilities, legal is-
KA_B11_1.ZIP KA_B11_1.ZIP 11th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. MEDICAL covers medical emergencies, including diabetic emergencies,
KA_B12_1.ZIP KA_B12_1.ZIP 12th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. OBGYN deals with obste- trical & gynecological emergencies, including
KA_B13_1.ZIP KA_B13_1.ZIP 13th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. PEDI deals with pediat- ric emergencies. Basic EMT review test
KA_B14_1.ZIP KA_B14_1.ZIP 14th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. PSYCH deal with psychi- atric emergencies, inc- luding EMT job stress,
KA_B2101.ZIP KA_B2101.ZIP 2nd in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. ANATOMY covers topics such as the anatomy and physiology of the human
KA_B3100.ZIP KA_B3100.ZIP 3rd in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. ASSESS is about patient assessment, consisting of a series of questions
KA_B4100.ZIP KA_B4100.ZIP 4th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. RESP covers respiratory emergencies, & consists of a series of questions
KA_B5100.ZIP KA_B5100.ZIP 5th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. CARDIO covers the card- iovascular system, and cardiovascular emergen-
KA_B6100.ZIP KA_B6100.ZIP 6th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. CNS covers central ner- vous system anatomy and physiology, as well as
KA_B7100.ZIP KA_B7100.ZIP 7th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. ABDOMEN covers the ana- tomy and physiology of the abdomen, as well as
KA_B8100.ZIP KA_B8100.ZIP 8th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. SOFT deals with soft tissue injuries, inclu- ding the A&P of the
KA_B9_1.ZIP KA_B9_1.ZIP 9th in a series of on- line computer self-help tests for the EMT Basic or EMT Basic student. MUSKEL deals with mus- culoskeletal injuries, including the A&P of
LUNGS.AVI An .AVI movie clip. Showing the deterioration of the lungs from smoking. (HCN Filebone)
MCBERD21.ZIP Yup! Latest Speech Friendly Electronic Resource Directory from the Ma. Commission for the Blind. Now allows category editing, printing, Q to quit from main menu, and the ability to create your own personal database
MCOOK138.ZIP MicroCook v1.38 <ASP> Recipe database program for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use menus and editors with full mouse support. Number of databases only limited by hard disk
MED1094.ZIP Black Bag List for October 10, 1994
MED9410P.ZIP Medical documents
MM13000A.ZIP 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 There should be one or two recipes in these files that you don't already have. (1 of 13)
MM802.ZIP MEAL-MASTER v8.02 - Sophisticated and easy to recipe manager! Excellent search, shopping l index, rescale, and print features. Supports English and Metric measures, including automa
NSHHN35.ZIP NutriSoft HEALTHY HEART NUTRITION for Windows Based on US Surgeon General's guidelines to avoid obesity and coronary heart disease. Nutrients analyzed: calories, protein, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate.
NUTRIEAZ.ZIP Nutri-Ease 5000 by Fitware This program is good for your health! A comprehensive nutrition reference system, this program gives you the nutritional scoop on 1000 food items. Nutri-Eaze provides you with over 30
OMYGUI.ZIP Text on how Technology can bypass the blind
ON70.ZIP Of Note, Cure's Medical/disability Digest 5/15/94-10/1/94
ON9409A.ZIP Of Note, Cure's Medical/disability digest 9/1/94
ON9409B.ZIP Of Note CURE's Medical/disability news 09/15/94
ON9410A.ZIP Of Note, Cure's Medical/disability digest 10/1/94
ON9410B.ZIP Of Note, Cure's medical/disability digest 10/15/94
ON9411A.ZIP Of Note, Cure's disability/medical digest 11/1/94
ON9411B.ZIP Of Note, CURE's medical/disability digest 11/15/94
OVER-65.ZIP If You're Over 65 and Feeling Depressed...
PIBP004.ZIP Project Inform Briefing Paper #4 "Future Directions in AIDS Research"
PPSREF02.ZIP This file, ppsref02, is an update to a lis on Post Polio Syndrome that I posted on 7/1/ the previous references from ppsref01 and te of the list is included below. During the last 4
PRINDEX.EXE TOC of current VA Rehab. Research & Dev. Progress Reports
PSORIAS.ZIP Information File on Psoriasis
RECIPEPO.ZIP THE RECIPE PROCESSOR VERSION 2.0 - The Recipe Processor is a program that's designed to manipulate kitchen recipes, much in the way a word processor manipulates text. This program
REVIVE.ZIP Revive Hill-Burton approach for Universal Health Care as a Human Right
SAFWATER.ZIP A You Have the Right to Safe and Healthy Water.
SHOTS.ZIP Shots Adults Shouldn't Do Without
SPEAK2ME.ZIP The "Speak To Me" talking products catalog
STRETCH.ZIP Martial Arts Stretching FAQ
STUTTER.TXT National Stuttering Project Information
TEAM.ZIP Parent's reflection on his son's medical team
VITAMINS.ZIP THE VITAMINS: A QUICK REFERENCE CONSUMER'S GUIDE, by Adam Starchild. This electronic book gives important information on all the vitamins, from A to K, plus some others with
WHITEPAP.ZIP White House white paper on Information Highway & persons w/disabilities
WINBLIND.TXT Article Discussing the Effects of Microsoft Windows on blind computer users
WORDDEMO.ZIP Demo of Talking Word for Windows template